Just me. Uncensored and Uncut.
Views are my own and no one else's.
I swear, sometimes I'm rude, and sometimes I'm kind. No one is forcing you to follow. <3

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Small things.

Two weeks ago (I think) @JenBanksYEG started #makejensday. It seems to have taken the world by storm and I am beyond inspired by it. 
This weekend when I was at ball, my whole family came to watch. It was my dad's 54 birthday on Sunday & I was so happy they were coming, even if I'm not that great. The day before, my thighs were really bothering me and it hurt to walk. Sunday came and I still couldn't walk, so I decided to only hit, not run, and play catcher.....on a day where my mum, dad, niece, nephew, cousin, and nephew-cousin were there to watch. A midst me feeling sorry for myself a male teammate of mine joked with my niece about giving her his autograph. She was all of a sudden enthralled. I don't think he realized how much it would mean to her. Well, after coming back to the bench after every inning, my niece would run up to me and say "aunty, is it time for autographs yet? When can I get them?" I'd have to tell her that the game wasn't over yet, but that they were coming soon. Finally, the game ended and Tia ripped her gum package open so that the boys could sign it. I've never really seen her so excited and happy. I realized that I should quit being such a wiener and spoil sport - I may have had a shit game, but my niece's day was made simply because some people I knew gave her autographs. 
I realized that it isn't the big things that always make a difference - it is the small things. The little things that make people's days. Tia's day was made by guys giving her their autographs. How simple is that? It took 20 seconds for them to bend down and give her their signatures. 
How easily could you make someone's day today?!

Love & smiles

1 comment:

  1. I love this SO much! Honestly, it brings tears to my eyes. I can imagine her excitement and bliss
